[103美國直購] Neato 原廠 濾網 945-0123 BotVac Series High-Performance Filter 2-Pack

每日一物推薦: 最近工作時在繁重,連去逛街的機會都沒有


像最近剛買的 [103美國直購] Neato 原廠 濾網 945-0123 BotVac Series High-Performance Filter 2-Pack 真的超好用的!!

而且還不用自己開車去搬#GOODS_NAME# ,對於沒有車的朋友們真的是一大福音

下面就是關於[103美國直購] Neato 原廠 濾網 945-0123 BotVac Series High-Performance Filter 2-Pack 的介紹

而且偷偷告訴妳喔!! 這#GOODS_NAME# 只有在樂天市場販售 其他地方可是找不到的

因此要買[103美國直購] Neato 原廠 濾網 945-0123 BotVac Series High-Performance Filter 2-Pack 可要快 否則沒貨了可就虧大了

[103美國直購] Neato 原廠 濾網 945-0123 BotVac Series High-Performance Filter 2-Pack

[103美國直購] Neato 原廠 濾網 945-0123 BotVac Series High-Performance Filter 2-Pack




Six times more surface area than standard filters, Neato BotVac High-Performance Filters pick up and captures particles as small as 0.3 microns

Captures particles and fine dust including mold, spores, cat and dog dander, dust mites, pollen and fibers from textiles and carpet

Pleated design allows for greater filtering surface area without sacrificing suction

Keep your home clean by changing the filters frequently - once every month or two, depending your usage

Genuine Neato Accessory

Product Description

With more material than standard filters, Neato BotVac High Performance Filters capture fine dust particles and reduce allergens in your home. Compatible only with Neato BotVac Series Robot Vacuums.

Product Details

Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 2.4 x 2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces

Origin: Hong Kong


Item model number: 945-0123


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發表者 ultracruiser, 2015/08/23 12:56:16

已經收商品囉!! 謝謝!!
